Wednesday, October 4, 2017

HBC Troubles: The Appendix that Took Us Out (Part 1)

At last, the Elders Respond in Force! Our initial thoughts reading this email, which opened to a further Appendix detailing and addressing concerns in a point-by-point email, was that it was far better considered in writing than previous letters. If Scott Barao had truly wrong the elders, we would expect language along these lines and we were willing to extend some benefit of the doubt that we still missed critical details which would restore our confidence in Tom and Alan. Admittedly, we wanted to believe that we hadn't seen a complete 180 turn in character among people we trusted. And, although Scott presented himself consistently and credibly, we did not know him well enough to trust him.

The main body of the email itself did not give us much cause for concern and we really hoped what they would add would give us peace.

Update on Scott Barao
Dear HBC Congregation, 

The elders want to bring you up-to-date concerning what we know has transpired concerning the Baraos since our Tuesday evening meeting last week. (Please note that toward the end of this letter there are also two personal statements from Pastors Alan and David.)

At the Tuesday meeting we presented the simple facts about what led to Scott’s departure from our church. We mentioned that there was more information but we did not think it was edifying to disclose all the information at that time, particularly since we were trying to urge Scott to come and meet with us. We were desirous of bringing Scott back to that initial meeting the elders were supposed to have so we could do what 1 Timothy 5 teaches. We also answered your multiple questions the best we were able under those early circumstances. We also conveyed to you a hope that Scott would work toward a sit down meeting “at some time later” as he worded it to me just prior to the Tuesday evening meeting.

Unfortunately to this date we have received no message from Scott or Teresa that they are ready or desirous to meet. Instead, we have been very saddened to find out that Scott has been putting out incomplete and misleading information about the elder board in an attempt to undermine our credibility. Scott has made a painful situation worse. This has caused the elders great sorrow and concern. Please know this entire situation has been extremely difficult and exhausting for your elders. Scott’s wording in these communications is clearly designed to undermine people’s trust in the elders. We have been able to read them for ourselves.

Even more concerning is that we have been receiving some indication that Scott’s insinuations are eroding our church members’ trust in us as elders. It may even be leading some to question if the elders are being forthcoming regarding the recent and rapid departure of two of our elders.

Up until now it has been our desire to guard the reputations of Scott and Teresa and that of other people involved in this whole situation by only sharing what we thought would help the situation. Scripture tells us to guard our lips, and that applies to written communication. Ephesians 4:29 “Let no unwholesome word proceed out of your mouth but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment so that it will give grace to those who hear.”

Unfortunately, since Scott has not reached out to any of us over the past 8 days but has chosen instead to take his case directly to church members electronically, we believe we have a responsibility to warn you about this development and provide you with examples of falsehoods he is disseminating.

For you who are a part of Delta, we know you enjoyed an endearing relationship with Scott. We particularly feel for you. With that in mind, we hope you will read this letter with an objective eye that will help you come to a proper and biblical understanding.

Also a strong letter was sent warning Scott this very evening, telling him to cease from communication with any church members and set up a time immediately to meet with the elders.
Scott has compounded his sin by first refusing to meet with the elders to preserve our unity. Then he made it worse by leaving the church in the manner he did, stirring up even more confusion. Now he has blamed us and insinuated we are not being honest and truthful. This is not what true shepherds and men of God do. 

Years ago, I preached from Titus 3:10-11 which now appears applicable to our present situation. 

“Reject a factious man after a first and second warning, knowing that such a man is perverted and is sinning, being self-condemned.” A factious man is a man who causes divisions in the church. The Greek word is the origin of our word “heretic” or heresy. A heretic is one who needlessly divides the church with his words. He does not have to have bad doctrine; words alone can divide. A divisive man chooses his own path and forces that upon a church. Romans 16:17-18 warns, “Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them. 18 For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.” Factious men will not submit to the word or to the leaders in church. They go their own way and refuse to fit in and submit to the divine teachings and structures. They are lifted up in their own pride, though they rarely admit pride is their problem. Divisive men may think they are right even when they are wrong. Love is the opposite of a factious man. Love pulls together. Colossians 3:16 says love is the “perfect bond of unity.” It is a pretend love which argues brothers apart for unnecessary reasons. It usually is done by someone trying to start a following of their own. Divisive men also try to drum up false charges against leaders to gain an advantage within the church. The only way unity can be achieved and maintained in a local church is around its elders.”

We hope these words do not prove true with Scott, but right now they seem applicable.
Obviously the unity of the church is an urgent matter to the elders and something we know the Lord Jesus wants us to deal with quickly. So we have provided a lengthy appendix to catalog specific statements Scott has been making which are misleading. We realize it will be too long for many of you to read, but for those who desire more detailed answers and information, we hope it will help. Some of the statements and response are over smaller matters. We include them not because of their equal importance to other points but to demonstrate a pattern of falsehood on Scott’s part that you can identify and be warned against.

The scriptures are adamant that believers in Jesus are to put off all falsehood and speak truth with one another for we are members of each other, Ephesians 4:25. We trust you will understand the truth of Proverbs 12:19 “Truthful lips will be established forever, But a lying tongue is only for a moment.”

The Bible teaches that falsehood comes in many forms. Sometimes falsehood comes as direct lies. But this is not the only kind of falsehood. Other times falsehood comes as exaggerations, for example when someone exaggerates someone else’s shortcomings while presenting himself as genuine and true. Also partial truths that are designed to lead people to a negative and false conclusion constitute falsehood.

Scott practices this kind of falsehood and has demonstrated it in a number of ways recently. Scott has a practice of revealing only a certain amount of information to people, which contains partial truths, and then puts that information in a negative light in order to lead those reading or listening to negative or suspicious thoughts of others. Often there is a lot of love and sacrifice and talking that the elders engage in. But if you are told only part of the picture, you could easily learn to distrust the elders. Conversely Scott presents himself as the one who is most transparent and caring, and who can be trusted and relied upon more than others. In this case he has done this to try to get people to believe him more than the full elder board.

So please know that the elders are now encouraging you to refrain from contacting Scott or Teresa until Scott has submitted to the elders’ instruction.

With love and great concern, 

Pastor Leake 
for all the elders 

Additional statements by the pastors:

“Pastor Mora and I worked with Pastor Leake on the content and wording of the above message, but we wanted to offer our own closing thoughts, as well.  We were all very shocked that Scott decided to resign abruptly rather than work through his grievances biblically (i.e., directly with us).  Scripture is clear that we need to be on our guard to avoid treating our assumptions as facts until the facts are clearly established. It appears that Scott did not do that; I pray the rest of us will not also fall into that trap.  May the Lord be honored by our collective (and individual) commitment to humility and integrity (Philippians 2:3-4).  

Pastor Plumley”


“It is always painful for any church to go through circumstances involving a beloved person who is demonstrating characteristically divisive behavior. Dr. Barao, whom we love, continues to exhibit his divisive behavior outside of the church -- Shepherds do not do this. They do not cause division and confusion in the church among God's people (Rom. 16:17)

Therefore, according to 1 Timothy 5:20, elders "who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning." We are commanded by Scripture to follow through in this regard, giving glory to our Lord by being obedient to His Word. 

We can no longer commend Dr. Scott Barao to any other future ministry at any local church until he has demonstrated the fruits of biblical repentance. 

Soli Deo Gloria,
Pastor David Mora”

Here is the letter sent this evening to Scott

Dear Scott,

We were heartened by your apparent agreement on September 26 to meet with us in person “at some point later” to establish the facts related to the accusations we received about you.  We understood that it would probably take a little while for you to get emotionally ready for such a meeting, so we didn’t demand it immediately.  However, we have since learned that you have in the meantime written to some HBC members, attempting to justify yourself in their eyes by spreading half-truths and inaccurate assertions and speculations about the elders.  This actually confirms the main concern underlying the accusations we received about you—that you have been divisive within the church; rather than discussing your grievances directly with the elders, you have deliberately tried to undermine the elders and cause dissension within the body in an attempt to achieve your own purposes.  This violates numerous clear scriptural commands and principles (e.g., Romans 16:17; 1 Corinthians 1:10; 11:18; Galatians 5:20; Philippians 2:1-4), which changes the nature of the interaction we need to have with you.  Rather than merely seeking to establish the facts about what happened on September 24 (per 1 Timothy 5:19), you have now forced us to demand that you cease communicating with HBC members and that you repent of your divisiveness.

We are ready and desiring to meet with you to confirm that repentance and to move forward in Christian brotherhood.  Please let us know some times in the near future when you could meet with us.

With prayer,

Tom Leake, Alan Plumley and David Mora

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